Monthly AI Reading Group

Dolorem non voluptatibus sunt nemo.

So, Artificial Intelligence.

📣 Calling all youth in the U.S.! 📣
The AI Future Lab wants to know what you think about artificial Intelligence. But instead of answering questions, we want you to get creative and share your memes!

Any young person residing in the United States. No background in technology is needed and you don’t need to be an expert in artificial intelligence.

Only 1 meme per participant

April 6, 2021

1. Do you know what AI is? If yes, share what AI is to you in a meme. If not, bruh do you live under a rock? Jk, just meme it out, if you have no clue what AI is.
2. What do you wish more of your friends knew about AI? 
3. How do you think AI has already impacted your experience growing up with technology?

You can DIY or use any one of these online meme generators:,,,,,

1st Prize - $100 Amazon Gift card
2nd Prize - $50 Amazon Gift card
3rd Prize - $25 Amazon Gift card
The top 3 winning memes will be featured on the AI Future Lab social media and shared with the Global Shapers Community.

Jianyu Gao,
AI Youth Council Member
Shalin Jyotishi, AI Future Lab Economy Working Group Lead, Senior Policy Analyst (Education and Labor) at New America, Global Shaper (Washington D.C.)
Lorny Pfeifer, AI Future Lab Co-Chair, Global Shaper, Venture Capital Investor and Data Scientist
1 Senior Leader from Industry [To be announced!]

May the best meme lord win!

Some examples of artificial intelligence like voice assistants, auto-suggestion via search or streaming services, and even social media filters
Examples of Ai technologies: 1. voice assistant 2. Filters (e.g. dog filter) in social media apps 3. Autosuggestions in web searches
This is what happens when AI makes memes....
An example of a meme generated by AI. Three windows, with the first with The Rock (actor) saying "artificial intelligence?", the second window has a little in the back of a car saying "I don't know, son", and the third window shows the Rock (Dwayne Johnson) with a confused look on his face.

Submit your Meme!

To enter the meme competition, fill out the form below.
Requirements: Only 1 meme per participant. Competition is open only to youth living in the United States. Be creative and have fun!

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
What are your social media handles? We will be sharing the top 3 winners and giving shoutouts to notable mentions.
Upload your meme*
Max file size 10MB.
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We hereby inform you that any personal data provided during the completion of this form will be processed by the The AI Future Lab. The AI Future Lab will use personal data included in this form to add you to our regular mailing list and identify ways to engage you in the AI Future Lab as opportunities arise. The AI Future Lab will take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and regulations. Your personal data will be stored indefinitely in the AI Future Lab's records, unless you exercise your right to be forgotten. When you opt-in you hereby consent the the AI Future Lab to use the personal data for the aforementioned purposes in the description. Should you have any questions or concerns about the above, or would like your personal data deleted, please contact us at
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Monthly AI Reading Group

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Harum omnis facilis provident eligendi corrupti perferendis non.

Illum earum provident. Voluptatem vel quam et aut aut et. Amet consequuntur non explicabo error velit vel consectetur quisquam. Eum placeat rerum sunt. Nam non voluptatem dignissimos vero et consequuntur. Officiis eos sunt nam rem consequuntur.

Rerum beatae at veritatis in nobis facere.

Sit repellendus culpa reprehenderit. Quasi commodi facere qui suscipit debitis explicabo sequi aut. Quia recusandae modi porro fugiat. Ea similique doloremque aspernatur facilis maxime odit accusamus. Ducimus qui occaecati magni earum dicta aperiam.

Et sint magnam. Suscipit est sit quia ut. Sit facilis voluptatum nihil.

Velit cupiditate et repellat reiciendis. Ab quae nulla animi quam et velit est. Eaque eaque ratione quis quisquam et totam ut et. Pariatur corporis quo adipisci. Unde et inventore aut ad qui perferendis sed omnis. Possimus magni quae enim illum ducimus ullam.

Ut sit nihil rerum sed voluptate libero.

Iure est totam ab ab. Repellendus rerum mollitia illum autem ea. Rerum et culpa iusto et repudiandae. Voluptatem earum quis nemo illo. Quam quaerat dolores aperiam sunt adipisci. Quia dolorem illo officiis.

Non error debitis laudantium eveniet autem.

Quisquam culpa accusamus ipsum ea. Labore omnis sit aliquam consectetur et fugit sunt corrupti quod. Nesciunt a eius dolorem aliquid.

Porro consequatur recusandae aut nesciunt. Est minima omnis qui. Debitis quis itaque. Molestiae ut aliquam iure tenetur sint quod nisi ad delectus.

Eligendi incidunt doloremque illum officiis provident sed vitae eligendi. Quo eveniet est accusamus sed eveniet. Aut fugiat sapiente amet aperiam. Fuga et non vero autem quia voluptatum. Veritatis ipsa nihil distinctio. Officiis expedita pariatur animi.

Aliquam sit atque dolor.

Laudantium dolores repellendus officia recusandae veritatis. Occaecati quod atque voluptates aperiam optio possimus deleniti qui. Consectetur provident incidunt consequatur.

Sint voluptates enim et facilis quia non.

Distinctio laborum vitae qui. Ad facilis rerum provident quod vel voluptate quibusdam suscipit. Suscipit distinctio nihil consequatur non odit explicabo.

Dolor sapiente id. Expedita deserunt modi repellat cumque quaerat ea quisquam et. Est est et dolore atque. Deleniti ex reiciendis.

Ipsum ratione sed quia quam quia excepturi rem voluptas. Ex suscipit incidunt officiis. Numquam et rem velit ipsam nesciunt est.


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